Thursday, June 19, 2008

So much fun.........

Who said farming is dull?? They must have never owned farm equipment. Hay is all down, been raked and is drying quickly. Rich and John have been baling every morning and night, even Tim has done some. Yesterday, John blew a tire on the big, good tractor. Of course the tire shop does NOT keep these tires in stock so they have to order one and it will be in next week. UGH. Ok....... the OLD-EST tractor still works so Rich will use it and John can use the Old-er one until the tire comes in. Well............. I guess this morning Rich blew up the OLD-EST tractor. It won't even move! YIKES! So, they're down to 1 tractor and 1 baler and the weather is supposed to change this weekend. Man am I glad I had to go to work today! I'm sure home will not be a fun place to be today. My poor boys. Maybe the outlook will be better by 5:00 this evening when I get home. I should probably have something good planned for supper. Even if nobody is there to eat it.

1 comment:

ndnchick said...

lol, we have a really old lawn mower and the tire broke. We took it to ears and the teen at the counter they even make lawn mowers like this any more? :)